The Grandstand…

Without researching, the only information I know about the grandstand is its location along with its original purpose. The grandstand can been seen on my journey from Leicester to Lincoln and to me it is a signal that I am entering Lincoln and I shall soon be back at university. Its original purpose is that it was once part of a race course but I am unsure of its use now.

What stands out most to me about the grandstand is the levels and possibly how this could influence a power structure. The other thing that stands out for me is that the space is already representative of a performance space although it is very different to the spaces I am used to performing in. It is a very open space as it is outdoors and is surrounded by fields. This space could be used as part of the performance. Although it is in an open space it could be suggested that the actual stand is enclosed as there are gate stopping access to and from the stand. This could also be an element within performance.

There are many areas of the stand which could create an interesting performance. I am excited to actually be in the space and get a feel for the environment and see if this enforces any ideas.

Alice Dale.

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