My Drifting Imagination

My drift took me to places I have never seen before in Lincoln. As I walked through the harsh wind it became difficult to detach my thoughts from rationality; how cold it was, how physically tiring the walk had become, and how pointless the walk felt. However as I became more and more unfamiliar with my surroundings I began to lose myself into imagination.

It began with me walking in a completely different direction to my normal journeys. Along the way I saw buildings that I had never seen before. Somehow the further I got away from Lincoln, the more the architecture seemed to change. This led me to imagine the history of the buildings, who are the owners, how the derelict buildings had been so neglected, how I would change said buildings. As my imagination took over I began to imagine the lives of people living there, what occupations would amount to such accommodation. These scenarios played out in my head as I walked, creating somewhat of a performance in my head, forming imaginary relationships and characters.

After walking further down this road I encountered a train track, the sirens distracted me from my initial thoughts and I began to go on another journey. As the train passed I saw the faces of the passengers, I began to empathise with them; their boredom, excitement, and anxieties. Again I found myself creating characters in my mind. The businessman that is travelling his way from stop to stop, longing for home. The excited students returning home to see their families.

I then began to imagine my own home, the idea of living away and being an adult. It reminded me of a performance in itself, how I am performing everyday as a mature adult, how much my life has changed and as I walked home the idea that you can feel a connection to anyone began to overwhelm me.

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