Our Bodies in strange spaces.

We are tenancy’s at the grandstand, and therefore we go to the site and think subjectively about it. If we were visiting on a one off occasion or passing by in a car we would think subjectively for example, what colour the building is, what material it is made out of ect. As we are visiting our site weekly it becomes personal to us and we begin to measure the space with our bodies and look deeper into the historical content of the building making the site our unique personal space. Willi Dorners ‘packed bodies in urban spaces’ inspired us to physically use our bodies to signify how many bodies would have been crushed into the room that was going to be used as a mourtrey during the Second World War. We created a small performance and at the end laid our bodies in the kitchen space which is a small area to create an overflowing atmosphere. Dorners performers also used their bodies to fill a small space but in public area. The juxtaposition would stand out hugely in public places as it is unusual to see such thing. ‘Play around with ideas. Very important- when you lose playfulness you lose inspiration. Stay playful. Set tasks. Find juxtapositions’ –(Dorner, 2005)

Dorner was also used as inspiration upon deciding to use furniture in the room to create a war zone. We then used our bodies to move around the chairs we had set out all over the room and automatically our bodies were moving in different ways than they would be if the chairs were not there. ‘Build a space- with chairs and tables plot journeys through the space and then move the chairs and tables and try to make the same journeys’ (Dorner, 2005)

Lecture 2, Powerpoint

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