We can already assume before we have even seen the site that it is going to be littered with history. Upon arrival you are greeted with the site of the Grandstand itself and you can see that this place was the prestigious racecourse that held the Lincoln Handicap. Waiting to be put back in it’s former glory. Whilst walking round this place you are taken through the possible day at the races, the possible jockeys lounge where two of them maybe shared a friendly game of darts before going head to head in a griping race. You see a paddock where the racehorses of all ages would have been paraded around to convince people of all classes that they are the horse to bet on. Bookies maybe would have been close by with their boards of odds hoping to take home a profit. The stables where horses would have been housed before being put through their paces, the stables now look disappointing but reek of potential. It’s not just the racecourse that contributes to this place and it’s history. The hole where soldiers practiced digging trenches that someday would be their only cover from enemy fire, offers another view and feeling to this particular place.