Do jockeys dream of Metal horses?

*Excuse my English grammer

Since I was posted on this blog, I think I meantioned the mind of around us.
Something like ‘What Grandstand is thinking of?’, ‘What thought of things that building thinking of’…. .
For this time our group decided to think about what horses are thinking of.
It is reflect to human being and horse racing, but more critical way of horses itself I we have to think about the war time.

In the war, soldiers were riding on tanks, battle ships, battle plaine but in ages ago horses are encouraged as a transport of them. Maybe at the time, a lot of horses died at the war time and it make us quite pain…
General Jack Seely illustrated that on his book,

‘People who do not understand the realities of warfare think that horses are not required on modern battlefields. They think that all battles will be conducted by mechanical means. So they will be for the first few days, then it will be the horse. Truly the horse might cry out more loudly than any other creature, “Give peace in our time, O Lord.”‘
(Selly, 2011, p114)

In our performance piece, we designed first of all kind a surreal themes in like there is a person with horse mask and he is preparing for horse racing and jockey is coming in and take his around the room. Afterwards, the jockey is turning in to horse and other person treat him like a horse. In a sense this is kind a irony because short time ago he was controlling his horse but this time he is actually becoming like a horse. Also during the horses stretching his body we imagined we can put a projector of horse movement to show what the horse is thinking of (does he dreaming about becoming a jocky or would like to run perfectly like the projector?)

<a href=””>Race Horse First Film Ever 1878 Eadweard Muybridge</a>
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For second idea, we talked about to create a room like a art gallery of different time period in between horse racing to war time. For this idea we tried to construct a horse and a tank with using of some materials which already in the Grandstand (e.g chairs and tables) and make a sense of both horses and tanks are used in battlefield and always humans were on it.



Work cited

General Seely, Jack (2011), WARRIOR:THE AMAZING STORY OF A REAL WAR HORSE, 2011, p.114, Racing Post, the UK.

Muybridge, Edweard (1878), Race Horse First Film Ever 1878 Eadweard Muybridge, Online: (accessed 10 March 2014)

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